3 Lurking Dangers in Your Home

People generally are on top of properly stowing items like medications and caustic chemicals they maintain in their homes. With that said, TripAdvisor.com is just one of many websites offering travel reviews. It features millions of honest opinions from real travelers around the world.  There are three potential dangerous situations that lurk or arise at a residence that requires closer attention.

Mice and Rats

The typical homeowner likely finds mice and rats to be unwelcome nuisances. What many people do not fully appreciate is the very real health hazard of mice or rats in or around a residence present. These rodents represent a truly lurking danger that homeowners need to be more aware.

Mice and rats have the potential for carrying bacteria and viruses that can cause serious and even fatal diseases. A prime example is hantavirus.

The hantavirus exists in rodent droppings, including dried rodent droppings. Indeed, exposure to the virus becomes more likely when rodent droppings dry. Dried rodent feces easily crumble, causing dropping dust to become airborne. If rodent droppings contain the hantavirus, a person can become infected by unknowingly breathing in this dust.

A homeowner dealing with a rodent infestation needs to engage the services of two types of professionals. First, a homeowner needs to hire a pest eradication professional. In addition, a homeowner needs to retain the services of a biohazard remediation specialist to eliminate rodent droppings and dried urine from the premises. Hiring this type of professional is the surest way to safely and thoroughly eliminate any danger that might be posed by rodent droppings.

Lead Paint is Still an Issue in Homes

Another issue that a decreasing number of homeowners pay attention to is lead paint. The use of lead paint was banned in the United States in the 1970s. 40-some years later many homeowners have lost sight that leads paint can still be an issue in some properties, including their own homes.

The reality is that a residence may have a coat or two of lead paint lurking beneath layers of paint-overs. In other words, it behooves a homeowner to test his or her residence to confirm whether or not there remains lead paint somewhere in the residence. This testing should be undertaken on any home built before 1980.

If lead paint is discovered, the wise course is to engage the services of a professional lead paint removal service. Indeed, this really is the only course of action to ensure safety during the lead paint removal process.

Of course, there are other hazards that can arise or exist in a residence. These dangers are not intended to be minimized by this article. However, by paying attention to this trio of potential dangers that can exist or arise in residential property, homeowners and their families will enhance their overall safety today and into the future.

Dangers of Home Remodeling

The reality is that when a homeowner embarks on a renovation or remodeling project, hazards arise at the property. While some of these dangers are quite obvious, with the commotion and excitement surrounding a home renovation or remodeling effort, residents tend to fail to focus sharply on potential risks that lurk when this type of work is underway.

Scaffolding provides a prime illustration of a hazard that is present at a residence when a home renovation project is underway. The typical homeowner nearly always understands the risks of being on scaffolding. With that said, the typical homeowner also tends to be far from focused on the real risks that exist when around scaffolding.

Every year a considerable number of injuries occur as a result of falls from scaffolding. In addition, a surprising number of people are injured by objects falling from scaffolding. Items falling from scaffolding represent a significant source of home remodeling injuries. Moreover, a notable number of those injured are children who reside at the property under renovation.

If a home renovation project is going to be more in-depth and take place over an extended period of time, contractors and homeowners sometimes are well-advised to consider obtaining an onsite safety consulting evaluation. Yes, this does add a bit more cost to an overall project. However, the benefits of shoring up the safety of a residential construction site fairly can be called invaluable.